Lighting Up the Seas: LaserLight Company’s Laser Shows for Cruise Ships


      Cruise ships offer a unique venue for entertainment, blending the allure of the ocean with the excitement of live performances. Recognizing this unique setting, LaserLight Company has tailored its laser light shows to enhance both indoor and outdoor cruise ship events, ensuring every passenger experiences something truly spectacular.

Indoor Theater Shows

For more intimate indoor settings, such as cruise ship theaters catering to 50-500 guests, LaserLight Company offers a bespoke package designed to complement the elegance and enclosed nature of these venues.

  • Package Details:
    • Lasers: 2 x 3W
    • Technicians: 1
    • On-site Time: Up to 5 days
    • Equipment Includes: 2x 3W Laser Kits, 1 Cable Kit, 2 Fog Machine Kits, 1 Fan Kit
    • Total Cost: $5,000 (includes all travel and logistics expenses)
    • Power Requirements: 40AMP
    • Total Weight: 410lb

This setup ensures a captivating yet unobtrusive addition to onboard performances, adding depth and dimension to the entertainment without overpowering the space.

Outdoor Pool Deck Shows

When the event moves outdoors, particularly on the expansive pool decks that accommodate 500 or more guests, the requirements scale up to match the increased crowd size and open environment.

  • Package Details:
    • Lasers: 4 x 10W
    • Technicians: 1
    • On-site Time: Up to 5 days
    • Equipment Includes: 4x 10W Laser Kits, 1 Cable Kit, 2 Fog Machine Kits, 1 Fan Kit
    • Total Cost: $10,000 (includes all travel and logistics expenses)
    • Power Requirements: 60AMP
    • Total Weight: 470lb

This package is designed to create a visually stunning experience that enhances the festive atmosphere of outdoor cruise ship events, ensuring that every light show is as memorable as the scenic ocean backdrop.

LaserLight Company’s specialized laser show packages for cruise ships demonstrate their commitment to providing high-quality, adaptable entertainment solutions tailored to unique environments. Whether illuminating a cozy indoor theater or a breezy outdoor deck, these laser shows are guaranteed to elevate the cruise experience, combining state-of-the-art technology with creative designs to light up the night sky at sea.

For cruise lines looking to dazzle their guests with something extraordinary, partnering with LaserLight Company offers an opportunity to deliver spectacular laser-driven performances that are both scalable and cost-effective. These laser shows not only complement the natural beauty and excitement of ocean travel but also enhance the overall guest experience, making every cruise a memorable adventure

Brooks Palmer
Author: Brooks Palmer

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